Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Happy Easter!

Students at Buchanan have been enjoying an Easter game in music this week! Check out our video!

Buchanan Students: Funny Bunny

John Taylor Family of Schools Concert

Congratulations to the Buchanan Orfflings for their excellent performance at the John Taylor Family of Schools Concert last night! You were fabulous! Check out our videos below!

It was wonderful for students and the community to see where students begin in music education, and where they can end up if they stick with it! In addition to our own Orff performance, we enjoyed choirs, dancers, drummers, recorders and bands! The entire evening ended with all participants (bands, choirs and dancers) performing "Dry Your Tears, Afrika" together. It was amazing! Unfortunately we didn't get it recorded, but maybe one will surface from an audience member!

Buchanan Orfflings: Catch A Falling Star

Buchanan Orfflings: The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

John Taylor Family of Schools Concert

Tonight is our John Taylor Family of Schools concert - an evening put on by John Taylor as well as the elementary and middle schools that feed in to John Taylor!

"Family concerts are a collaborative venture that has identified benefits to the music community and to the larger school community.   Simply, it is an opportunity for the arts programming within one family of schools to share the accomplishments of it's students in diverse areas of arts education.  The arts educators in the John Taylor family feel that it is important to collaborate in this music making venture." - Eric Marshall, SJSD Arts Coordinator

Our Buchanan Orff Club will be performing 2 selections: Catch A Falling Star, and The Lion Sleeps Tonight. We will also be participating the mass number, Dry Your Tears Afrika.

We hope to see you there!

Date: Tues, March 19
Time: 7:00pm
Place: John Taylor gymnasium

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Congrats to the Buchanan Orff Club!

Congratulations to the Buchanan Orff Club (grades 4 & 5) for their performance at the Winnipeg Music Festival this morning. We performed Orff arrangements of "Catch A Falling Star" and "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and were awarded bronze.

Check out our performance of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight":

Buchanan Orff Club at WMF: Thursday, March 14th, 2013